What’s Your Word For 2020?

What's Your Word For 2020? | Shared Goals Consulting

Words are powerful. Do you believe that?

This year, I chose as my word abundance. I like to choose words for my life that have meaning to me and this year, I wanted to daily tune into all the abundance in this world that God so lovingly created.

Each day in my planner I would jot down a brief thought on abundance.

I read books and listened to podcasts on abundance.

I developed and delivered several presentations on abundance.

I wrote the word out on my board in my office so that I see it every time I enter.

Someone once said what you focus on grows. It certainly proved true for me this year.

It seemed that the more I thought about abundance, the more I realized.

For example, I saw not one but two shooting stars within the same week.

I have had more love and snuggles from my grandkids than ever before.

I have encountered more opportunity in business than I expected.

I have traveled to new places this year and checked some off the hubby’s bucket list.

I have found just the right resources at just the right time to achieve some fun goals this years.

The list just goes on and on.

Abundance was such a good word for me in 2019 that I’m thinking about hanging onto it for 2020.

Some others I am considering are:


Each of those words has significance for me so I’m mulling on them.

Recently, my local goal group joined me for a little merry and bright time. We talked about their words for 2020. The word ‘fiancee’ may have been tossed around. You gotta love it!


But enough about us...what is your word for 2020?

Once you have selected it, write it down somewhere you will see it every day and watch how it grows through the year!

GoalsMonica Luedecke