Today I AM Thankful

Tofay I am Thankful | Monica Luedecke - Shared Goals Consulting

Happy Thanksgiving!  

Is this your favorite week of the entire year? It’s mine, too. Four days when normal business activities cease, the smells of a traditional feast permeate our home, and the most important item on the agenda is visiting family. Oh yeah!

We live in a great country with forefathers who had the good sense to build in a day strictly devoted to giving thanks to God for our many blessings as a nation.

All good.

Today I want to encourage you, as a goal-seeking woman on a mission, to make gratitude a part of your daily routine. 

This is spoken, written and practiced by many of the most successful people of our time, including me!

If you need a quick reminder about some of the benefits of having a gratitude practice, read on.

First, it’s a biblical practice. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6  

Second, starting your day with thankful thoughts creates a firm foundation for the rest of your day. Most days, as soon as I awaken, before throwing off the blankets, I lay in silence and turn my thoughts to specific things I am grateful for and send a little thankful word out to God.

Third, gratitude is at the top of something one of my mentors, Dan Sullivan, coined the Abundance Spiral. The idea is that expressing thanks for the many good things in life naturally opens the door for more of the same.  

Fourth, your brain benefits from your attitude of gratitude. Did you know that our brains have been designed to be able to create new neural pathways on a daily basis? That means that every day, we have the opportunity to rewire and bypass old, faulty, toxic thought patterns with fresh, new, thankful, optimistic thought patterns. Cool, right?

Fifth and final, practicing gratitude releases more of your internal shine. It increases the frequency of the energy you deposit into the world. You, like me, can immediately recall someone in your life who you love to be around because they have good energy. Chances are, they are practicing thanksgiving and gratitude for the blessings in their life.

I am grateful for you! I thank you for taking the time to read this. Put this practice into place in your life. It is sure to increase your overall sense of well being and will impact the trajectory of your days and your life.

Be blessed!

GoalsMonica Luedecke