Shared Goals Consulting

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Goal Prep Time Is Upon Us!

November is one of my favorite months.

It’s the month of cooler temperatures, fall foliage, Molly Raine’s birthday (currently my one and only granddaughter), Thanksgiving, and thankfulness in general.

It’s also the month for Christmas lists and pre-holiday shopping.

And you know what else? It’s the month for winding up the current year’s goals and beginning the process for setting next year’s goals.

In November, I like to do several things to prepare for crafting goals for the coming years.

The first thing is tangible. I like to purchase and look through my goals planner for the coming year.

Mine for next year is the Prayerful Planner in emerald green. I have a little planner crush on it!

The second thing I like to do is to ramp up my research into what others are saying and doing—what is new and exciting—about the process and methodology of setting good and godly goals.

To that end, I start spending more time listening to thought leaders in this space, reading blogs and re-reading my own posts and guides on the subject.

On that note, now would be a great time to let you know that I have just put the finishing touches on my favorite tool, created by moi, to guide me through the process of setting my goals.

This has been a labor of love and I am excited to share it with you.

Send me an email at and I will forward an advance copy to you!

The third thing I do in advance of actually writing out my goals for the next year is to review all the goals I set and worked towards during the current year.

This is always time well spent, and gives me added motivation for the task at hand.

And then, it’s go time.

I follow my guide and I get busy, always grateful and anticipatory for the growth and the great things that are likely to result from the steady, consistent and purposeful act of crafting new goals.

So that’s me.

How do you approach goal setting?